English - Secondary (9 12) English - Writing

Pre-writing Skills

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Interactive Tool allows students to demonstrate understanding of characters they read about. Can also be used as a prewriting tool for students to create their own characters in their own story writing.

Online tutorial that gives writers tips and guidelines to help them be observant and create their own descriptions of their world and experiences. Created by a professional writer, this guide shows professional and student writing samples, and include step by step instruction.

The web page walks a student through the process of essay writing.

In this Early Edge video lesson, you'll learn more about Organizing a Draft, so you can be successful when you take on high-school English/Language Arts & Writing.

In this Early Edge video lesson, you'll learn more about Crafting a Thesis Statement, so you can be successful when you take on high-school English/Language Arts & Writing.

In this Early Edge video lesson, you'll learn more about Accessing Texts, so you can be successful when you take on high-school English/Language Arts & Reading.